✓ You can implement these learnings into your current service.
✓ An unique postnatal protocol for new moms.
✓ Jamu Postnatal Training for birth professionals.
A unique postnatal protocol for new moms
Add Jamu Postnatal treatment to your postpartum retreat! You can always have extra treatment as an additional to the current that you already have, an additional service to your potential clients. An ancient treatment that incorporates traditional massage technique, pure natural herbal ingredients plus traditional Jamu binding procedures.
What is Jamu Postnatal Treatment?
Ancient Indonesia Practice! Originated in 17th century. Jamu Postnatal treatment composed of three parts. 1) Traditional massage techniques 2) Herbal Abdominal mask 3) Jamu Binding Procedures.
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Step #1. Postnatal Abdominal Massage
Learn this simple yet effective abdominal massage! This traditional massage movement at the abdomen helps to reposition internal organs & also to expel stomach 'wind'.
More InfoStep #2. DIY Jamu Abdominal Mask
Learn an ancient formula you can easily use to heal & lighten your postpartum abdominal area. A paraben-free jamu herbal paste is massaged on the abdominal region to stimulate blood circulation and muscle contraction and to encourage toxins to be flushed out of the system, to keep the ‘wind’ out. Simple DIY ancient formula!
More InfoStep #3. Mastering Belly Binding Technique
One of the most important procedures in Jamu postnatal treatment! Belly binding not only helps postpartum women to improve posture, relief back pain, but also prevents the widening of the hip & enhances waist narrowing. A must-have protocol for postpartum recovery!
Jamu Postnatal Belly Binding Treatment Training
with FREE BELLY BINDER & 1 on 1 online coaching session
more info1:1 Live Coaching
Dive deep into your development with personalised guidance. Ina will guide you through 1:1 Q&A online session. If you have any questions during your jamu postnatal treatment learning, Ina is honoured to share her experiences & knowledge with you.
more infoMeet your instructor,
founder of Belly & Bloom® !
A self-describe ‘Nature Lover’, Ina has a passion for all things with nature healing. She took her knowledge of all things health and wellness, spa & retail management, marketing, branding, created Belly & Bloom® in 2018.
She is trained professionally with traditional massage & belly binding techniques in Bali, Indonesia. Received CIBTAC qualifications to provide service at a very high standard to all our loving mothers.
Along with a Postnatal Treatment Certificate and as Reiki Second Degree practitioner, using Japanese technique of palm healing through ‘universal energy’ to aid relaxation and improve overall wellbeing, she provides jamu postnatal treatment to new moms with radical physical and psychological changes at the comfort of her clients’ home
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The complimentary 1 on 1 live session gives me extra tips on belly binding. Thanks Ina!
Chelsea Tang

learn extra skills for myself to serve my postpartum friends & clients. Thank you, Ina!